[Libro de resúmenes] Congreso Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas en Áreas Nacionales Protegidas, 26 – 28 de setiembre de 2018 (Abstract book of the National Congress of Scientific Research in National Protected Areas, September 26 – 28, 2018)
- Author(s):
- Rodríguez, L., Ñaupari, J., Rosales, M., Iannacone, J. A., Buendía, M. A., Castillo, A. y Castro, A. (Editors)
- Imprint:
- Lima: INTE - PUCP ; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2019, 250 p.
It compiles the summaries of the 16 keynote speeches, 184 scientific investigations and posters presented at the First National Congress on Scientific Research in Protected Natural Areas, held from September 26 to 28 2018, at La Molina Agrarian University. The summaries are grouped into six main themes: terrestrial biodiversity, aquatic biodiversity, ecology and management, ecosystem services and biodiversity, and management in protected areas.