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Gradual-progressive certification

General features:

  • Gradual / progressive certification courses / workshops have a minimum of 15 hours. They include an evaluation system. Depending on your itinerary, it is possible to turn it into a specialization course.
  • Courses / workshops with gradual / progressive certification have their own objective and feed into that of the specialization course to be validated.
  • A certain number of courses / workshops with gradual / progressive certification allows the Specialization Course to be validated to have a range of hours between 60, as a minimum, and 120, as a maximum.
  • They allow gradual / progressive certification at the end and approval of the course and a certification at the end of the training itinerary of the specialization course to be validated.
  • INTE-PUCP will offer the courses / workshops for 3 consecutive semesters. The minimum number of students required to run each course is 12 participants. INTE-PUCP reserves the rights to cancel or postpone the start of the course, depending on the minimum number of participants required for its implementation.

Validation process:

  • It has no additional cost.
  • The student must have the certificate of each course / workshop with gradual / progressive certification that is part of the training itinerary of the corresponding specialization course.
  • The student has a year and a half to go from the first course / workshop to conclude with the training itinerary of the specialization course. After that period, you the student loses the right to the validation process. If required, students must start the process again.

Specialization courses:

Formulation and Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessments in the Mining-Energy Industry

  • Training Course on Environmental Legislation and Enforcement in the Energy and Mining Industry
  • Training Course on Environmental Management Instruments and Citizen Participation in the Energy and Mining Industry
  • Training Course in Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessments in the Energy and Mining Industry
  • Training Course in Environmental Economics, Economic Valuation and Environmental Impact Assessments in the Energy and Mining Industry

Modelos de constancias y certificados

Al terminar los cursos de capacitación obtendrás, según los requisitos, los siguientes modelos de certificaciones o constancias:

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