Photo gallery

Bosques PUCP: así trabaja este pulmón verde para la ciudad

Más de 3,200 árboles conforman el bosque urbano que es el campus PUCP y solo 300 de ellos almacenan más de 34 toneladas de carbono, atrapado en el complejo proceso de absorber CO2 y liberar oxígeno. ¿Sabías que tenemos jardines que recrean ecosistemas peruanos y flora nativa de distintos países del mundo? En esta Semana Ambiental, te contamos más sobre su importancia, estudios, datos curiosos y el esfuerzo conjunto por mitigar su huella de carbono y potenciar su cultura forestal.

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Conoce la Revista Kawsaypacha edición 13

En este número, se publica el dossier titulado “Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina”, el cual contiene un compendio de artículos que abordan las cosmovisiones que subyacen en las aproximaciones a los temas ambientales. Este dossier se ha preparado bajo la coordinación de Eduardo Rueda, de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, y el Grupo de Trabajo de Filosofía Política en América Latina.

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Strengthen and promote research and innovation in environmental matters

INTE-PUCP is a transdisciplinary academic platform that seeks to strengthen and promote research, technological and institutional development, and innovation in environmental matters.

Get to know us

Research Centers, Groups and Teams

Environment and Society Study Group (Ambiente y Sociedad – GEAS)

Coordinator: Dra. Deborah Delgado Pugley

This group is attached to the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA). Its purpose is to promote,…

Forests and reforestation (Bosques y reforestación)

Coordinator: Dra. Ana Sabogal Dunin-Borkowski

This group is attached to INTE-PUCP. It investigates anthropic activities carried out in areas surrounding protected forests, and proposes actions…

Material and Renewable Energy Science (Ciencia de Materiales y Energías Renovables MATER-PUCP)

Coordinator: Dr. Jorge Andrés Guerra Torres

This group is attached to the Science Department in PUCP. They are devoted to research and development of synthesis, analysis…

Ecosystem Sciences (Ciencias Ecosistémicas)

Coordinator: Dra. Norma Salinas

This group is devoted to the study of ecological, biological, physical and geographical processes in the context of climate change,…

Center for Research in Applied Geography (Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada – CIGA)

Director: Dr. Martín Timaná De la Flor

CIGA is a unit within INTE-PUCP, in charge of consolidating and disseminating a new methodology in geography (systemic approach), generating…

Earth Center (Centro Tierra)

Coordinator: Mag. Sofia Rodriguez Larrain Dégrange

Multidisciplinary research group, attached to the Architecture and City Research Center (CIAC-PUCP), dedicated to research, development, analysis and dissemination of…

Coal – Biomass (Carbón – Biomasa)

Coordinator: Mag. Estela Assureira Espinoza

This technological unit belongs to the Mechanical Engineering Section at the Engineering Department in PUCP. It has been working for…

Ethics, Environment and Society (Ética, Ambiente y Sociedad)

Coordinator: Dr. Augusto Castro Carpio

Made up by professionals concerned about environmental and social problems and their ethical impact on our society, the group has…

Research Group for Crisis and Disaster Management (Grupo de Investigación para el Manejo de Crisis y Desastres – CID)

Coordinator: Dr. Jorge Vargas Florez

This group is attached to the Engineering Academic at PUCP. It seeks to contribute to the substantial improvement of humanitarian…

Interculturality and environment (Interculturalidad y ambiente)

Coordinator: Dra. Yolanda Rodríguez Gonzales

We seek to promote research, teaching and dissemination in an interdisciplinary way, around the ways in which indigenous societies and…

Life Cycle and Industrial Ecology Peruvian Network (Ciclo de Vida y Ecología Industrial – PELCAN)

Director: Dr. Ian Vázquez Rowe

This group is attached to the Engineering Department at PUCP. Its main mission is to generate scientific knowledge in the…

Green Growth and Bio-trade (Crecimiento Verde y Biocomercio)

Coordinator: Dr. Alan Fairlie Reinoso

The team aims to identify key green growth actors, to promote debate and reflection among them on related issues.

Innovation for Sustainable Development (Innovación para el Desarrollo Sostenible IDI – SOS)

Coordinator: Dra. Marta Tostes Vieira

This team aims at promoting and strategically managing research projects related to sustainable development and innovation, from a participatory scope, including social, cultural and political equity, and economic effectiveness perspectives, as well as the rational use of natural resources, ecological sustainability, orderly territorial development and appropriate technologies.

Tinkuy: Energy, Territory and Climate Change

The research team was established to foster knowledge creation and research in environmental matters, from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach,…


Coordinator: Lic. Fiorella Belli

Interdisciplinary work group made up by young professionals and students who investigate, experiment, develop, evaluate and share solutions around the…

Tricycle Communication& Development (Triciclo Comunicación & Desarrollo)

Coordinator: Fiorella Poma Oré

We are a group made up of five women communicators from PUCP, interested in the sustainable human and environmental development…


We are a youth organization with an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to transform citizens into change agents towards sustainable development,…