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Interdisciplinary work group made up by young professionals and students who investigate, experiment, develop, evaluate and share solutions around the needs faced by vulnerable populations in our country, mainly in the Amazon. They propose the empowerment and use of local resources and knowledge to achieve project sustainability.

Coordinator: Lic. Fiorella Belli


We are an interdisciplinary work team made up of young professionals and students who research, experiment, develop, evaluate, and share solutions to meet the needs of vulnerable populations in our country, mainly the Amazon. We believe in adopting an interdisciplinary approach, as well as in qualitative / ethnographic research, horizontality, and methodologies such as design thinking and user-centered design. As a result, we gained a better understanding of these issues from all possible perspectives; we build bonds of empathy; we thoroughly understand the people we work with; and, we propose ideas that lead us to a suitable solution. We are committed to the empowerment and use of local resources and knowledge to create sustainable projects and allow any person or community to become an agent of their own development.

Research lines

  • Intercultural education
  • Revaluation of local resources and knowledge
  • Technological and social solutions to meet productive needs



Fiorella Belli Ferro



Juan Pablo Pérez Panduro

Luis Miguel Hadzich Girola

José Uechi Kohatsu

Claudia Chávez Carhuamaca

Erika Reinkendorf Melinchon

Daniel Montes Díaz


Productive – commercial management of coffee and cocoa

Cooperation source:

  • I Student Contest of Social Responsibility Initiatives
  • Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social – DARS PUCP

Jantari – Intercultural school furniture

Cooperation source:

  • Researchers: Carla Sagástegui, Ricardo Geldres, Oscar Espinosa. Fiorella Belli, Claudia Chávez, Luis Miguel Hadzich, Juan Pablo Perez, Jose Uechi.

Improved cook stoves. San Cipriano soup kitchen

  • Researchers: Miguel Hadzich, Fiorella Belli, Luis Miguel Hadzich, Daniel Abarca

Project to introduce coffee and cocoa solar drying technology

Cooperation source:

  • II Student Contest of Social Responsibility Initiatives
  • Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social – DARS PUCP