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Research centers, groups and teams


Coordinator: Lic. Fiorella Belli

Interdisciplinary work group made up by young professionals and students who investigate, experiment, develop, evaluate and share solutions around the needs faced by vulnerable populations in our country, mainly in the Amazon. They propose the empowerment and use of local resources and knowledge to achieve project sustainability.

Center for Research in Applied Geography (Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada – CIGA)

Director: Dr. Martín Timaná De la Flor

CIGA is a unit within INTE-PUCP, in charge of consolidating and disseminating a new methodology in geography (systemic approach), generating knowledge on the country, and enhancing geographic research for the country's regional and national development.

Coal – Biomass (Carbón – Biomasa)

Coordinator: Mag. Estela Assureira Espinoza

This technological unit belongs to the Mechanical Engineering Section at the Engineering Department in PUCP. It has been working for 22 years in developing biomass and mineral coal conversion processes into fuels and energy, and in their transfer to market.

Earth Center (Centro Tierra)

Coordinator: Mag. Sofia Rodriguez Larrain Dégrange

Multidisciplinary research group, attached to the Architecture and City Research Center (CIAC-PUCP), dedicated to research, development, analysis and dissemination of constructive earth technologies, appropriate to contribute to improving the quality of life of communities located in rural settings and heritage urban areas.

Ecosystem Sciences (Ciencias Ecosistémicas)

Coordinator: Dra. Norma Salinas

This group is devoted to the study of ecological, biological, physical and geographical processes in the context of climate change, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Its research program focuses on the Peruvian Andean-Amazonian ecosystems, seeking to acquire a better understanding of the natural processes that govern them, providing solid foundations for managing biodiversity and natural…

Environment and Society Study Group (Ambiente y Sociedad – GEAS)

Coordinator: Dra. Deborah Delgado Pugley

This group is attached to the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA). Its purpose is to promote, make visible and strengthen research and teaching on socio-environmental issues, as well as to develop public policies that contribute to sustainable natural resource management in Peru.

Ethics, Environment and Society (Ética, Ambiente y Sociedad)

Coordinator: Dr. Augusto Castro Carpio

Made up by professionals concerned about environmental and social problems and their ethical impact on our society, the group has developed field research to measure the situation of poverty, extreme poverty, natural resources, and social and environmental conflicts.

Green Growth and Bio-trade (Crecimiento Verde y Biocomercio)

Coordinator: Dr. Alan Fairlie Reinoso

The team aims to identify key green growth actors, to promote debate and reflection among them on related issues.