Tinkuy: Energy, Territory and Climate Change
The research team was established to foster knowledge creation and research in environmental matters, from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, aiming at the execution from a holistic standpoint of projects in the fields of energy, territory, and climate change.
Coordinator: Alan Fairlie Reinoso

To study and analyze Perú’s environmental conditions on the ground at the rural, urban, and peri-urban levels, considering the different approaches of environmental and social sciences, to propose and roll out applied research, technological development, innovation and public policy advocacy efforts that contribute to Peru’s sustainable development in regards of energy, territory and climate change; at the local, regional and national level.
To be a benchmark public policy research and advocacy group in the socio-environmental field (energy, territory and climate change) aiming at rolling out projects and research in association with universities or other prestigious public or private, national and international organizations, and thereby formulate and implement tools and solutions to address environmental and social problems in Peru.
- Investigate the national environmental realities with due account for biological and cultural diversity.
- Cooperate with public entities to prepare policies, plans and programs at different scales (local, regional, and national) with an impact on vulnerable populations and habitats.
- Develop tools and actions that promote the sustainable development of projects, both urban and rural, applicable to the public and private sectors.
- Disseminate the group’s knowledge workshops, courses and / or seminars to raise awareness among and educate interested audiences.
Research lines
Natural resources
- Diversification of the energy matrix and energy efficiency with renewable energies
- Environmental services
- Natural hazards
Local and global climate
- Climate change
- Urban climate
Local and regional development
- Sustainable cities
- Tourism and development
- Technology for human development
- Rural energy from renewables
- Environmental planning
- Public policies and renewable energies
- Agroecology and permaculture
- Food safety and culinary recycling-optimum cuisine
Environmental sciences
- Environmental history
- Political ecology

Alan Fairlie Reinoso
- afairli@pucp.edu.pe

Augusto Castro Carpio
- acastro@pucp.pe

Kleber Espinoza
- kleber.espinoza@pucp.pe

Pedro Fernando Gamio Aita
- gamio.f@pucp.edu.pe

Willian Fernando Leon Morales
- wleonm@pucp.pe

Guillermo Paz
- gpaz@madecoplast.com

Cynthia Planas Zuzunaga
- c.planasz@gmail.com

Manuel Enrique Rojas Rueda
- mrojasr@pucp.pe

Marta Tostes
- mtostes@pucp.edu.pe

Urphy Vásquez
- urphy.vasquez@pucp.edu.pe

Marisela Vega Zuleta
- mvegaz@pucp.edu.pe