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Advancing and measuring sustainable consumption and production for a low-carbon economy in middle-income economies and newly industrialized countries (2016 – 2018)

About the project

Promoted sustainable production and consumption through greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions monitoring / mitigation actions in the supply chain of selected production processes. It also made possible to create a database of life cycle inventories in Peru, develop life cycle inventories for priority sectors (refineries, hydroelectric plants and landfills) for the subsequent calculation of GHG emissions and other polluting emissions based on a  Life Cycle Analysis, develop LCA methodology for three (03) prioritized products for sustainable public procurement, and link the results obtained with the existing NAMAs and qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the impacts on the NDCs committed by Peru. The project served to more rigorously define the compliance potentials of NDCs.


  • Isabel Quispe (Senior Researcher, PUCP)
  • Ramzy Kahat (Co- Researcher, PUCP)
  • Ian Vasquez (Co- Researcher, PUCP)

Participating Institutions

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
    • Institute For Nature, Earth and Energy (INTE-PUCP)
    • Red Peruana de Ciclo de Vida y Ecología Industrial (PELCAN)
  • Ministry of the Environment, Perú, MINAM, Perú
  • Quality Directorate