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Evaluation of tree line progression in montane forests by removing human disturbance factors: Implications for participating in the voluntary carbon market

About the project

This project had two main objectives: (1) improving understanding of the factors that affect the tree line; and, (2) developing a case study to assess the economic potential associated with the tree line. The high vulnerability level of Andean tropical (montane) forests, in the face of global changes (climate change, cover change and land use dynamics), requires urgent actions around learning what are the impacts that they have been suffering and promote their conservation, not only due to their enormous biological wealth, but because they play a fundamental role in maintaining ecosystem services.


  • Norma Salinas (PI, PUCP)
  • Eric G. Cosio (Co- investigator, PUCP)
  • Alex Nina (Research assistant, PUCP)
  • Rudi Cruz (Research assistant, PUCP)
  • Fabián Limonchi (Research associate, PUCP)
  • Oscar Mujica (Co-investigator, Frankfurt Geological Society)
  • Rosa María Román (Co- investigator, CREAF)

Participating Institutions

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
    • Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy
  • Frankfurt Geological Society, Germany
  • Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales (CREAF)