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Metabolic modulation of maca postharvest processing for its enrichment in amides and other bioactive compounds

About the project

This project complements existing information gaps and finds optimal conditions for accumulation of amides and other bioactive compounds during post-harvest processing of maca, so as to obtain a standard product with a high content of macamides and macaenes. These are quality indicators in the international market. This makes the product more attractive for the nutraceutical market similarly to other products that depend on post-harvest processing such as cocoa, vanilla or coffee.


  • Eric G. Cosio (PI, PUCP)
  • Eliana Esparza (Research associate, PUCP)
  • Fabián Limonchi (Research associate, PUCP)
  • Raúl Meza (Co- investigator, Ecoandino)
  • Katiuska Luna (Co- investigator, Ecoandino)

Participating institutions

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
    • Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy
    • Chemical Section, Science Department

Project publication