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Thermal energy storage systems for rural housing in the high Andes

About the project

It was part of the Penn State Seed Funds – PUCP – UNI. The project aimed to start development of thermal storage systems that incorporate research-scale materials and / or local materials with similar properties, exploring the development of new organic and polymeric materials for storing thermal energy. It is proposed as the first step towards devising thermal energy storage systems that are easy to operate, appropriate and replicate by inhabitants of high Andean regions.


  • Miguel Hadzich (Co-PI, PUCP)
  • Enrique Gómez (PI, PSU)
  • Victor Ramos (Research assistant, PUCP)

Participating Institutions

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
    • Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy
  • Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
  • Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI)