We invite you to participate on this event about researches and initiatives on climate change | Participa del evento sobre investigaciones e iniciativas relacionadas al cambio climático

English version
We invite you to the presentation “Youth research and initiatives towards climate change” by The Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy (INTE) and the Academic Department of Social Responsibility (DARS) at the Global Youth Climate Week, promoted by Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC).
The main objective of this event is to sensitize youth of the world, specifically of Perú, about the importance of generating data on sustainable development and to take action as youth for the
The session will be divided into two sections: the first one about thesis projects including sustainable development and climate change, and the second one about socio-environmental projects promoted by young students. For this, we are inviting research studies from undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students focusing on climate change. In parallel, we are inviting past and current initiatives led by students in the same scope for an in-person and online activity. We’ll wait for you!
Presenter: Fabian Drenkhan – Geographer and researcher at INTE PUCP
- Thesis
Thesis 1. The grammar of MuSIASEM as a representation tool for the analysis of the sustainability of the food system in Peru | Miguel Ángel Morales – PUCP |
Thesis 2. Analysis of carbon exchange between atmosphere and surface in Urban environments | Josué Urcia – PUCP |
Thesis 3. Life cycle assessment of a road in southern peruvian andes | Álvaro Elorrieta – PUCP |
Thesis 4. Changes in glacier’s NCP due to climate change | Camila Llerena – Wageningen University & UPCH |
Thesis 5. Impacts of mining on glacial retreat in La Rinconada, Cordillera Apolobamba, Puno, Peru | Joseph López – PUCP |
Thesis 6. A medicine for local development: Livelihoods and sustainable value chains | Nicole Enrico – PUCP & Lund University |
Thesis 7. Timberline dynamics in the Manu National Park: reflections of a changing climate | Carmen Palomino – UNSAAC (Cusco, Peru) |
Thesis 8. The importance of conservation in the land management in a time of climate change | Odalys Suárez – PUCP |
Thesis 9. Soil microbial communities response against ecological perturbance in Amazon forest | Carlo Mormontoy – PUCP |
- Socio-environmental initiatives
Initiative 1: MUNAY PUCP | Nicole Leonardo |
Initiative 2: RUA NODO PUCP | Sebastián Valle |
Initiative 3: GEMRA PUCP | Enrique Camarena |
Versión en español
El próximo jueves 3 de diciembre se llevará a cabo el evento “Investigaciones e iniciativas de jóvenes frente al cambio climático”, organizado por el Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE) y la Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social (DARS) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), como parte del Global Youth Climate Week promovida por Alianza Global de Universidades sobre el Clima (GAUC).
Esta actividad virtual en particular tendrá como objetivo sensibilizar a los jóvenes del mundo y, específicamente, del Perú sobre la importancia de generar información y conocimiento acerca del desarrollo sostenible, con el fin de hacerle frente al cambio climático.
Dicho evento estará dividido en dos momentos, uno acerca de tesis de investigación sobre desarrollo sostenible y otro relacionado a proyectos socioambientales impulsados por jóvenes. Para ello, se ha realizado un llamado a estudiantes, de distintas universidades del Perú y del extranjero, de pregrado, graduados y de posgrado que hayan realizado investigaciones enfocadas en materia ambiental relacionadas al clima.
Moderador: Fabian Drenkhan – Geographer and researcher at INTE PUCP
- Tesis
Tesis 1. The grammar of MuSIASEM as a representation tool for the analysis of the sustainability of the food system in Peru | Miguel Ángel Morales – PUCP |
Tesis 2. Analysis of carbon exchange between atmosphere and surface in Urban environments | Josué Urcia – PUCP |
Tesis 3. Life cycle assessment of a road in southern peruvian andes | Álvaro Elorrieta – PUCP |
Tesis 4. Changes in glacier’s NCP due to climate change | Camila Llerena – Wageningen University & UPCH |
Tesis 5. Impacts of mining on glacial retreat in La Rinconada, Cordillera Apolobamba, Puno, Peru | Joseph López – PUCP |
Tesis 6. A medicine for local development: Livelihoods and sustainable value chains | Nicole Enrico – PUCP & Lund University |
Tesis 7. Timberline dynamics in the Manu National Park: reflections of a changing climate | Carmen Palomino – UNSAAC (Cusco, Peru) |
Tesis 8. The importance of conservation in the land management in a time of climate change | Odalys Suárez – PUCP |
Tesis 9. Soil microbial communities response against ecological perturbance in Amazon forest | Carlo Mormontoy – PUCP |
- Iniciativas socio-ambientales
Iniciativa 1: MUNAY PUCP | Nicole Leonardo |
Iniciativa 2: RUA NODO PUCP | Sebastián Valle |
Iniciativa 3: GEMRA PUCP | Enrique Camarena |