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Cambio climático, movimientos sociales y políticas públicas: una vinculación necesaria (Climate change, social movements and public policies: a necessary link)

Postigo, Julio C. (editor).; Castro, Sofia; Chacón, Pablo; Geary, Mirta; Blanco, Gustavo; Fuenzalida, María Ignacia; De la Cuadra, Fernando; Lampis, Andrea; Malvares, Mirta; Palacio, Germán; Torres, Julio
Santiago de Chile : CLACSO: INTE - PUCP: ICAL, 2013. 302 p.

This publication analyzes the relationships between climate change, social movements, and public policies in Latin America. The study of these relationships is a way of understanding interactions and tensions between nature, society and the State.

It contributes to the debate about climate change from the critical perspective of several Latin American authors who seek interdisciplinary discussion, intellectual solidarity and hope.

ISBN: 978-956-351-609-8

ISBN Digital: 978-956-351-460-5