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Distribución de la renta de las industrias extractivas a los gobiernos subnacionales en América Latina : análisis comparativo y de tendencias (Income distribution from extractive industries to subnational governments in Latin America: comparative and trend analysis)

Viale Leyva, Claudia
Lima : INTE-PUCP, 2015, 62 p. (digital Kawsaypacha: documents for the environmental debate ; 1)

This analysis is based on the work document called “Income Distribution from Extractive Industries to Subnational Governments in Latin America”, prepared in the Diploma on Extractive Industries, Surveillance and Sustainable Development. This paper is not only an update of the aforementioned document regarding information on legislation that regulates extractive income; it also presents the new context and debates that have arisen about the subject. A section with statistical information on the region’s countries has been added in order to portray ​​the magnitude of the issue in figures. It looks at how the amounts of income distributed to subnational governments have evolved in the last decade.