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Pobreza y desafíos tecnológicos en comunidades de Huancavelica (Poverty and technological challenges in communities of Huancavelica)

Castro, Augusto (coordinator.); Arrunátegui, José carlos; Castro, Sofía; Harman, Úrsula; Zevallos, Rodrigo
Lima: INTE - PUCP, 2014. 141 p. (Kawsaypacha research notebooks, 3).

The study analyzes the living conditions of some high Andean communities in the Huancavelica department and assesses their possibilities to incorporate low-cost technological solutions to access electrical energy sources.

It was carried out within the framework of the Energy Interconnection System with the PUCP Riogeneradores project in high Andean rural communities in the Cusco and Huancavelica departments (2011-2013). It was subsidized by the European Union and implemented by the PUCP Rural Sector Support Group.

ISBN: 978-9972-674-07-5