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Co-creation of appropriate technologies in the Peruvian Amazon for community and sustainable water management

About the project

Second stage of the CASA project (2016-2018). It seeks to identify, design, implement and monitor collaborative technological proposals for community water management adapted to the Amazon rainforest ecosystem. A rainwater collection, storage and treatment system was developed for domestic and / or community activities.

One of its most relevant impacts is that this technology is expected to be replicated in other locations in the Peruvian Amazon, by capacity building among local technicians during the project development. Also, the participatory work methodology is posed to be incorporated in other resettlement projects nationwide.


  • Belén Desmaison (PI)
  • Karina Castañeda (Co- investigator)
  • Urphy Vásquez (Co- investigator)
  • Kleber Espinoza (Research assistant)
  • Víctor Ramos (Research assistant)
  • Jorge Soria (Research assistant)

Participating Institutions

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
    • Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy
    • Architecture and City Research Center (CIAC)