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World wide views on climate and energy: Folleto de información (edición Perú) (Worldwide views on climate and energy: Information brochure (Peru edition))

Wynn, Gerard
Lima: Junta Danesa de Tecnología; INTE-PUCP, 2015, 38 p.

This is an informational brochure for participants in the World Wide Views public consultation on climate and energy. It is an activity carried out on June 6, 2015. The publication consists of five parts. The first part presents a general introduction to climate change, its consequences and the need to adopt a low-carbon economic model. The second part describes the tools to fight climate change and the cost analysis of reducing carbon emissions. The third part exposes the role of the United Nations and the negotiations on climate change. The fourth part has to do with actions that each country must develop in order to do its job. The fifth part presents the fulfillment of commitments assumed by countries.

ISBN: 978-9972-674-10-5