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Declaración de los académicos del Perú frente a los desafíos del cambio climático y a propósito de la Vigésima Conferencia de las Partes. III Kawsaypacha 2014: diálogos sobre la tierra (Declaration of Peruvian scholars in the face of climate change challenges and regarding the Twentieth Conference of the Parties. III Kawsaypacha 2014: dialogues on the Earth)

Lima: INTE-PUCP, 2014. 55 p.

It publishes the pronouncement of a group made up of scholars and scientists of various specialties in the country around environmental issues, which will strengthen the agenda for scientific research in accordance with the needs of the country and the world. It is made up of ten statements related to the following topics: climate change and disaster risk management, mountains and glaciers, oceans and coastal marine areas, forests and biodiversity, integrated management of water resources, intercultural issues, territory and indigenous peoples, sustainable cities, green growth and sustainable development, renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as science and research.

ISBN: 978-9972-674-08-2