Ethics, Environment and Society (Ética, Ambiente y Sociedad)
Made up by professionals concerned about environmental and social problems and their ethical impact on our society, the group has developed field research to measure the situation of poverty, extreme poverty, natural resources, and social and environmental conflicts.
Coordinator: Augusto Castro Carpio

It is made up by professionals concerned about environmental and social problems and their ethical impact on our society.
Some years ago, we conducted field research to measure the status of poverty, extreme poverty, natural resources, and social and environmental conflicts. The first studies addressed the situation of communities impacted by extractive companies (mining or gas). Hence, it is important for these companies to implement strategic corporate social responsibility plans.
This interdisciplinary group has prepared diagnoses, monitoring, baselines and development proposals in Cajamarca and Moquegua communities. They have also done it in towns on the coast, mountains and jungle, following the course of the Transportadora de Gas del Perú (TgP) pipeline for Camisea gas. The group has investigated the role that renewable energies can have in rural communities of Cusco and Huancavelica, in alliance with the Rural Sector Support Group. In the work we do, ethics is a fundamental element.

Augusto Castro Carpio

José Carlos Silva Macher

José Carlos Arrunátegui Ochoa

El desafío de un pensar diferente: pensamiento, sociedad y naturaleza (The challenge of a different thinking: thought, society and nature)

Pobreza y desafíos tecnológicos en comunidades de Huancavelica (Poverty and technological challenges in communities of Huancavelica)

Pobreza y desafíos tecnológicos en comunidades del Cusco (Poverty and technological challenges in Cusco communities)