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Ukunchik: la naturaleza del cuerpo y la salud en el mundo andino (Ukunchik: the nature of body and health in the Andean world)

Author(s): Mujica Bermúdez, Luis
Imprint: Lima: INTE-PUCP : Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas (UNAJMA), 2019.
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Abstract book

[Libro de resúmenes] Congreso Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas en Áreas Nacionales Protegidas, 26 – 28 de setiembre de 2018 (Abstract book of the National Congress of Scientific Research in National Protected Areas, September 26 – 28, 2018)

Author(s): Rodríguez, L., Ñaupari, J., Rosales, M., Iannacone, J. A., Buendía, M. A., Castillo, A. y Castro, A. (Editors)
Imprint: Lima: INTE - PUCP ; Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2019, 250 p.
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CASA: Ciudades Auto-Sostenibles Amazónicas (CASA: Amazonian Self-Sustainable Cities)

Author(s): Desmaison, Belén (ed.)
Imprint: Lima: PUCP. Architecture School: Editorial Fund, 2018, 388 p.
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Abstract book

Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Investigación y Educación Superior Interdisciplinaria

Author(s): Castro, Augusto, ed. y Merino, María Isabel, ed.
Imprint: Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto de Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía, 2018
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El Sol: Cuento ecológico bilingue (The Sun: Bilingual Ecological Tale)

Author(s): Hadzich, Miguel
Imprint: Lima: INTE PUCP : Newtoy's Law, 2018, 2nd ed. 39 p.
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Abstract book

[Libro de resúmenes] Primer congreso de energías renovables y arquitectura bioclimática – CABER 2017 (Abstract book of the First Congress on Renewable Energy and Bioclimatic Architecture – CABER 2017)

Author(s): Alayza, Bernardo (editor)
Imprint: Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Academic Department of Engineering: Academic Department of Architecture: Rural Sector Support Group: Institute for Nature, Earth and Energy (INTE-PUCP), 2018, 89 p.
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